We are excited to announce that Alicia’s passion project, a project to try and combat bullying in a positive way, took flight this past Monday at Opstad Elementary school. Otters #BeKind…a project that could never have happened without Ryan V. Hill, the amazing Principal at Opstad Elementary School, the Snoqualmie Valley Community Network, Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanis, Ultimate Vision, Dark Horse, Ink, and Goat on Wry Studio…along with so many others such as Julia Dorn and the other teachers and staff at Opstad. Be on the lookout for more about this exciting new project! And check out Opstad Elementary’s FB page for video of the #BeKind assemblies and also visit https://www.facebook.com/clark.ultimatevision/ for more cool posts, pics and videos of the launching of the #BeKind week at Opstad Elementary!

#BeKind was featured in the latest Opstad newsletter…if you don’t get a copy of it emailed to you, click HERE for the video that was featured. #BeKind is at the very beginning, so you don’t have to watch the full video!